Saturday, December 25, 2004

Highway to the light. with max limited speed of 300,000 km/h.

it's Jelly with taste of Lemon. and the reflection of white light in the jelly makes around it Red.

Guess what it can be? The moon behind fence?
No it's just the fingerboard of my guitar.

Walnuts lie on each other like dead soldiers.

Wow! this is a pussy.

Think and conclude why this picture makes you feel terrible (if it really does!)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

My very dear Cactus wohse name is TighAli. I bought him in Azar 1383. I love you TighAli.

You can't guess what these are.
Drop of Coca Cola on a metal plate in which we eat our daily launch in University.
They're still spots of Co2 in the fluid.

How we study in Data Structure class. Arash is reading paper. Bahman is walking. I'm taking photos of course (First semester of 83-84)

Two carts chained and locked to each other.

Friday, December 03, 2004

A clean day in Tehran (Dey 1382)

Air Pollution in Tehran (Dey 1382)

Extreme Air Pollution in Tehran. The picture is taken in Dey 1382. We all gonna be fucked with an inhale.